Monday, October 6, 2014

Pumpkin Parfait

It's a cold October morning! You know what everyone loves in October? Pumpkin! Usually it's pumpkin pie, cheesecake, cupcakes...pumpkin everything really. I'm on board with the whole pumpkin everything, thing. Really, have you carved a pumpkin lately? Opened a can of Organic 100% pumpkin? It smells awesome! So of course I've made a Pumpkin Parfait this morning, because it's fall, it's easy, and I had a very long week last week, and I'm tired.

So below is this beyond simple recipe. *  Remember to try to use Organic.

Pumpkin Parfait 

* 1/2 cup 100% Pumpkin (not pie filling) 
* 1/3 cup Organic Vanilla Yogurt 
* 2 tsp Dark Brown Sugar
* Sprinkle of Pumpkin Pie Spice
* Splash of Vanilla Extract 
* 1/4 cup Organic Granola 
* 3-4 whole Walnuts. 

Put the pumpkin in a small bowl, mix in brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla. Next take a pretty parfait dish or just a pretty tall glass, and begin layering the ingredients as follows : Small spoonful of yogurt, sprinkle of granola, spoonful or two of pumpkin mix. Repeat. Top with Granola and nuts.

Enjoy :)

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