Monday, August 4, 2014

ECO Friendly natural cleaner. Part 1.

So cleaning..everyone hates cleaning right? I suppose everyone hates those foul smelling harsh chemical filled cleaners too right? Today I'm reviewing an Eco Friendly natural all purpose cleaner....or so I thought. I had found this cleaner in the Dollar Isle in my local grocery store, seeing that it was "Eco Friendly" i got excited and bought it. I thought it'd be perfect to review.
 However after I got it home ( amazing that I did since the cap was no on right and it leaked in the bag) I began reading the ingredients. I was shocked or not so shocked ( I thought it may have been too good to be true)   The cleaner PowerHouse ECO Friendly Natural all-purpose cleaner was full of chemicals! The Pleasant scent? a Chemical. The only natural thing in the cleaner ( as far as I can tell) was the lemon oil and the water. However..I still tested it..( used with caution and kept a fan on to air out the bathroom in case) It worked well enough..great on Stainless Steel. If your not worried over a chemicals I'd suggest it. If not...wait for part 2 of this post for REAL natural cleaners.

P.S. This is not a Sponsored review or anything. This is simply to inform and state my own opinion. 

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